An outfit a day keeps the blues away

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An outfit a day keeps the blues away

An outfit a day keeps the blues away

As a Social Worker, Rebecca Brooks knows how important emotional wellness can be. She has found an unusual way to lift the spirits of those around her. You may have heard of people that wear their heart on their sleeve, well, Rebecca’s heart is written all over her outfits. You see, each Friday she carefully plans an ensemble, even coordinating with her dog Chloe, who also works at Crestview as a therapy dog. The two have become an exciting part of each week because residents excitedly await to see what the pair will be wearing. Many of the outfits are custom dresses with well-known characters or colorful scenes that fit the season.  

While Rebecca has always had a flair for fashion, her instincts to put together an interesting outfit turned from a novelty to a ministry during the pandemic. “Chloe and I have found that laughter really is the best medicine. So, if a silly outfit makes our elders smile, then it is worth a little extra time and personality. This was especially true during the days when we had to close the community to all visitors. It was a small way to try to keep up our elders' spirits when they were going through tough times,” explained Rebecca. Rebecca and Chloe are proof that when it comes to fashion, the  best accessory is a smile.

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